Alix et les Merveilleux is a Quebec children's television series in 195 episodes of 24 minutes produced by Avanti Groupe and broadcast between September 9, 2019 and December 17, 2021, from Monday to Friday at 7.30 a.m. at Radio-Canada, and from September 23, 2019 at 5.30 p.m. at Télé-Québec. The series is written in part by Jean-François Bélanger, also author for Les Bienvenu... or almost.
Alix, curious and imaginative, found under the staircase of his house a passage leading to another world where characters live: the Hatter, the Lelithing, the rabbit scientist, the Grande-Patrone, Gros Coco, an egg, the Chief of Security, and Morse, an old sage. In this world where fantasy reigns and where nothing is impossible, Alix and the Wonderful live incredible adventures.
- Rosalie Daoust as Alix
- Jean-Philippe Lehoux as Chapelier
- Luc Bourgeois as Dad / Lelièvre
- Cynthia Wu-Maheux as Mom / Rabbit (Season 1)
- Ines Talbi as Mom / Rabbit (seases 2 and 3)
- Alex Desmarais as Gros-Coco
- Marilyn Castonguay as Grande-Patronne
- Didier Lucien as Morse
- Martin Héroux as Chief of Security