Alice in Wonderland Wiki
Alice in Wonderland Wiki
Dodo tenniel

Illustration by Sir John Tenniel.

The Dodo is a fictional character from the novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.


The Dodo is one of the many animals that washes up from the Pool of Tears in Chapter Three. In order to get dry, it proposes that everyone run a Caucus Race — where the participants run in patterns of any shape, starting and leaving off whenever they like, so that everyone wins. At the end of the race, Alice distributes comfits from her pocket to all as prizes. However this leaves no prize for herself. The Dodo inquires what else she has in her pocket. As she has only a thimble, the Dodo requests it from her and then awards it to Alice as her prize.

The Caucus Race as depicted by Carroll is a satire on the political caucus system, mocking its lack of clarity and decisiveness.

Other Appearances
